Sunday, October 03, 2010

Menu Plan - Week 4th to 10th

It's been a while since I've sat down and added my menu here on my food blog, I think it's about time to jump back into the habit of doing so.

It helps me keep track of what I'm making and it also makes it easier when I get ready to plan the following week's meals.

Monday 4th 
Baking:  Homemade Pretzels

Tuesday 5th 

Wednesday 6th 

Thursday 7th
D: Sloppy Joes
Snack:  Caramel Candy Corn

Friday 8th

Saturday 9th

Sunday 10th
D:  Sausage and Potatoes Skillet


  1. Great menu! Can I come over and eat with you!?! lol

    Love the new header too!! =) Have a good day!

  2. It all sounds yummy! Have a good week.

  3. Random stranger here. :)
    Can't wait to try the Chili and Corn Dumplings, sounds yummy!
